Thursday, 30 November 2017

Back in Realspace

Back from the warp after a chaotic few years, I have decided to get back into things and make a blog to keep track of progress. Thought I'd open up with some old pictures from the last warband I completed, many moons ago. Made for the Invitational two years ago. Great event with some excellent work on display, really inspired me to actually get something finished for once. hopefully with the second one down I can keep up the momentum. Thankyou for looking.

//Communicae Priority Level//: *Storm*
//Eyes Only//: Malleus Prioris Centaur, Hereticus Alphan
//NB//Inquisitor//:(REDACTED)//:(Believed to be our unknown Inquisitor 'Carcosa'(//=][=0logsfound=][=//). The 'Imposter'. Winding Path movements increasing, shipping lane piracy, outright incursions on Ectii and Vontulan Minor. Quelled. 7 low level operatives acquired (?Unmasked?). Purge level Delta. Scourged. Interrogated. (//*transcript att.785*//) basics - Tiered hierarchy. No 'Masks' acquired- elites of some sort. Fanatic. Totally insane. Haemoscreen shows high levels of hallucinogens amongst other things (//*Rep.79886*+=+//) Mostly heretical babble. Repeated references to 'the Inquisitor' and the 'Unblinking Eye'. Apotheosis/apocalyptic ideas recurring. Some event - the birthing (?). 3 bit own tongues off. Others tried but were stopped. Psy Int. Authorised (//*REDACTED*=][=//) 5 dead. Psyker corrupted, euthanised. Nothing useful (//*transcript att.794*//) Merchant guild links uncovered on Ectii. Funds seized, merchants purged (//*transcript att.815-819*//). Nothing more to be gleaned. Subjects purged.

//: OF NOTE ://**** Subject 3 had mem-log implants (//*Rep.87446*+=+//), some sort of encryptec data storage was found inside. Auto-wipe initiated when removed but we managed to get this excerpt. Seems to be part of a manifesto of sorts. Filth designed to lure new recruits I'd imagine... Inquisitor (REDACTED) Hereticus Alphan

...kjasdfkjkjfas and so you shall grow and fly. My children, the wings you are. Winding we are. Time tells us all its truths all its lies we are the unknown but the knowing. We alone strive for the light. We alone. We see the freedom in truth the endless love of the warp. When you are illuminated, you shall see. You will be at home, we will be as one in the folds of fate. A crystal city he has built for you. A kingdom of light. You shall bathe in the fountain. They shall not. Pity them. The Lost. I have known this corruption that is man in all its form, believed the lies, but no more, I have seen its infancy, swimming in the rivers of the immaterium. I will show you children, when you are ready, when the pivots are placed and the wheel is turned yet again. We shall be the herald of He Who Waits, the Watcher and the Bringer, the Unblinking Eye. He will shatter the stars and she will remake them in the folds of infinity. Time is a flat circle and I have danced on its rippling surface, as shall you. A liquid metal expression of all thought and feeling and change ever experienced. The ferryman sings. Glorious is the tide my children, the freedom beyond their lies. The crushing weight of man binds them to ignorance and self immolation. Be the seed that births the tree, expand, ignite the blue flames of change. Be their salvation. One bullet can burn a galaxy, one thought can be the death of worlds. From within and without we shall show them their folly, we shall bring them back to their souls and unshackle them from the inertia of their dead ideals. The Emperor yearns for freedom, to be once again birthed in the Warp and end his paralysis, to show his children the error of their ways, how deeply they have been misled. Let us help him. Let us free them children.

My perspective is expanded only because I am near the summit. Climb, children, join me and be enlightened. There is but a asjkdhfffkjdasfn....


//:Thoughts//: well brothers, what do we have here eh? highly organised it seems, total loyalty to their filth, advanced indoctrination. Vontulan and Ectii warp taint was high, in league with infernal powers, this we know. Warrants priority *Nova* in my opinion.

With the Emperor's Light
Inquisitor (REDACTED) Malleus Praetor


//:RE:Thoughts//: Well thankyou to (REDACTED) for stating the obvious. This excerpt and the reports (REDACTED)'s Acolyte, (REDACTED), managed to send before he was uncovered paints a grim picture. These scum have been around for a while yet only now seem to be coming out of the shadows. We believe that warbands of so called 'unmasked' and 'masked'have been conducting raids on freighters and borderland colonies for years with live victims seemingly being their priority. They have plans... This is a tangled and sticky web brothers, the masterminds behind these activities know us and know us well. Only now are we connecting the dots. If it were me I would put more creedence to the rumor of a traitor leading them... But as ever Lord (REDACTED), we await your guidance.

His Fire Purges,

Inquisitor (REDACTED) Malleus Profundi


//:RE://:Thoughts////:RE:Thoughts//: Indeed. Prosecute. Purge. Authorising *Nova*. I want these 'Masked' in custody. Any lower useless. Purge. On the rack. I want their secrets. (REDACTED) get your Scrutiae team on this 'Carcosa' check everything again, even the (REDACTED) (//=][=:auth.89GR665ad:=][=//). We must be vigilant. We must know. Servants of the Sorcerer rarely mass like this and rarely militarily. We must take action. Inform (REDACTED)(REDACTED)(REDACTED) and (REDACTED) of your plans. Now is not the time for infighting. I will hold you all accountable for your deeds, be warned.

We Are Forever His Hammer,

Lord Inquisitor (REDACTED) Malleus Malleus


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